Thoughtful Cat Painting – Watercolours 🌸 artistbybeauty

The mind is a mystery. A place where thoughts constantly come into place, even when you are not aware of it. These thoughts are a combination of both positive and negative thoughts, and can influence how our day plays out ❤

Post Feb 22 2020 Pic 5 - Final

Hopefully most days you have more positive than negative thoughts. Positive thoughts lead to more focus and happiness. When you have a positive mindset it helps you see things clearer, as you will feel that you can do things instead of not being able to.

Being able to get things done leads to feeling good about yourself and since you are achieving what needs to be done, you then develop a sense of happiness. It is amazing, the fulfillment you get from ticking off tasks on a ‘To do list’ 🙂

Post Feb 22 2020 Pic 1 - Final

I love reading self-help and personal growth books. A common theme many of them discuss is the power of our thoughts. That what you believe becomes your reality. I know that for myself this is most definitely true. My thoughts determine how my day will go and how far I will progress with goals in a time period set out.

As when I have been in unexpected situations, I always made sure to say to myself either out loud or in my head, “I am fine, safe and everything is good!”, then like magic everything would work out. No matter what challenges come into my life, I know that I will always be fine and it will result in a positive learning experience.

Today on my YouTube channel I am sharing with you a watercolour painting of a fluffy cat sitting on grass while getting deep into their thoughts. It is kind of like they are meditating. I love their little thinking facial expression.

I hope you enjoy the video. Thank you so much for reading and watching! Do your best to keep your thoughts positive. Write three things that you are grateful for each day and fully feel the thankfulness as you write them down. Have a happy day!


Capili Jiron x x


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