Benefits of Meditation – WELLBEING

Hi 🙂 🙂

Late post today ❤ ❤ I have been busy completing assignments and course work.

Today was a nice sunny day in Sydney. Not too hot or too cold, lovely weather.

I have a lot of assignments to complete every week until the end of May. I am looking forward to getting them completed then having a break from study until August (when my second semester starts).

It has been quite stressful being short with time and having a lot more course work than expected. Plus my studies piled up a little since I went to visit family in New Zealand (I have a bit of course work to catch up on, hopefully I can get it all up-to-date by next weekend).

Today I am reblogging a post on meditation. Meditation is so important for me to do daily. It helps reduce my stress and keeps me sane lol.

Ok, I will now get back to completing my assignments. Thank you so much for reading. Have a great day!


Capili Jiron x x

Artist by Beauty

Everyone stresses. Some more than others.

There is good stress – in small doses it can motivate you to do what you need to do. Then there is bad stress – where you can end up getting pains in your body, feel depressed, and feel like everything is out of control.

There are many ways that you can overcome bad stress – or better yet, prevent it. A wonderful way to prevent stress is to learn how to meditate.

post-28-nov-2016-pic-3Meditation is easy for some, and hard for others. Anyone can do it within time – it just takes patience and practice. A good way to start is by lying down with your eyes closed, and listen to some music (nature music is awesome – such as thunder, waterfalls, and rain is one that I find the best to meditate to). Try it for 1 minute, then 2 minutes, and…

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